Tuesday, December 22, 2020

would we fast on shabbos for 10 teves?

One thing about 10 Teves that seems to have seeped into common knowledge is the idea that even were the date to fall out on Shabbos, we would still fast on that  specific date.  In this respect, 10 Teves would be more chamur even than 9 Av.  We discussed this a long time ago (here and here).  What people don't know is that Rashi black on white disagrees.  The Mishna in Megillah (5a) writes that there are certain events which if they fall on Shabbos get pushed up and celebrated in advance, and there are certain events which get pushed ahead and celebrated on Sunday:

אבל זמן עצי כהנים ותשעה באב חגיגה והקהל מאחרין ולא מקדימין 

For example, if 9 Av falls on Shabbos, says the Mishna, we fast on Sunday, not the Thursday before.  

Rashi d"h aval writes that this is not just true of 9 Av, but is true of 17 Tamuz and 10 Teves as well:

וכן תשעה באב שחל להיות בשבת והוא הדין לי"ז בתמוז ולעשרה בטבת והאי דנקט תשעה באב משום דהוכפלו בו צרות והכל מתענין בו אבל שאר צומות אמרינן במסכת ראש השנה (דף יח:) רצו מתענין רצו אין מתענין:

1 comment:

  1. "would we fast on shabbos for 10 teves?"

    in the abstract, maybe. a fast marks a contraction of creation [the creation normally honored by oneg Shabbos], a movement back toward tohu v'bohu at its start.

    and in the concrete, yes, for in addition to Avudraham's "'etzem hayom hazeh'" (second link), we've reason to fast even "Friday night"* (same) -- the source pasuk for eating 3 Shabbos meals, hayom...hayom...hayom (Shemos 16:25), suffers the >cancellation of each meal< by Yechezkel's 24:2, hayom...hayom...hayom!...!...!

    *according to the Rabbis; but Rabbi Chidka (Shabbos 117b), with his >4< meals, might accord with the "chiddush of the Mabi"t" (second link), that the 3 hayoms of Yechezkel cancel only the 3 >daytime< hayoms of Moshe in Shemos...
