Thursday, June 23, 2022

entering into a situation of ones

Saw the following question:

The Mordechai holds that if one has a garment missing tzitzis, there is no problem in wearing it on shabbos.  The logic is that there is no issur in putting on a four cornered garment.  Once the garment is on, one becomes obligated to put tzitzis on it, but at that point, since it is shabbos and one cannot tie tzitzis, ones Rachmana patrei.

The first Mishna in Beitza says that if one did not prepare anything to do kiseui ha'dam with, one cannot shecht on Y"T.  Why not apply the Mordechai's logic and say that there is no issur in doing shechita, just once the shechita is done, there is a chiyuv to do kisuei ha'dam; at that point, if one has no dirt prepared that is not muktzah, ones Rachamana patrei? 

What's the difference between these cases?


  1. Maybe you don't have to eat meat but you can't go out without a shirt on?


  2. א. ע"פ המג"א, דגם להמרדכי יש בזה איסור דרבנן, ואדרבה זה המקור.
    ב. אבי עזרי, דמצות הכיסוי היא חלק ממצות השחיטה, ולכן אינו יכול להיכנס לשחיטה בלי כיסוי.
    ג. קה"י, דאסור כיון דיכול לשחוט ולכסות מחר, ולא דמי לציצית שהלבישה דהשתא אינה יכולה להיות מחר.
    ד. הגר"ח שמואלביץ, דם לא מכוסה זאת בעיה, ואינו דומה לבגד שהוא רק מחוסר ציצית.
    ה. הגר"ש רוזובסקי, דהענין של הכיסוי מתחדש רק אחרי השחיטה, משא"כ ציצית שגם בלי שלובש יש מציאות של קיום מעשה המצוה.

    1. Im afraid to ask - did you pull all this together on the fly after my post?

    2. Thank you for the hava amina.
      After a mighty internal struggle, and in light of the extreme non-credibility of claiming credit, I will tell the truth.
      Not by a long shot.
      I got it from a phenomenal bulletin board from Otzar Hachochma, peopled by world class talmidei chachamim, who do not hesitate to tell the lesser posters where they stand.
      This particular one came from here, with some emendations on my part.
