Monday, September 09, 2024

matzeivah vs mizbeiach -- the value of individualism

 וְלֹֽא⁠־תָקִ֥ים לְךָ֖ מַצֵּבָ֑ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׂנֵ֖א ה׳ אֱלֹקיךָ׃

Why do we find this expression אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׂנֵ֖א ה׳ אֱלֹקיךָ davka here by the issur of matzeivah?  The Torah doesn't say not to be mechalel Shabbos because it is something that Hashem hates, or not to engage in arayos because it is hated.  Why here?

Rashi writes that worship at a matzeivah was acceptable during the time of the Avos but no longer since it is used for avodah zarah.  Why then is worship at a mizbeiach acceptable?  That too is used by ovdei avodah zarah?

The difference between a matzeivah and a mizbeiach is that a matzeivah is made of one stone, while a mizbeiach is made from many.  

A matzeivah represents avodas Hashem through one, singular path.  It's one size fits all.  That worked well when dealing with the Avos, who were individuals.  It does not work well when dealing with a plurality, with a nation.  For the nation, only worship on a mizbeiach, composed of multiple stones, each representing a different path, a different steam of avodah, can succeed.

The first commandment of the aseres ha'dibros is not "Anochi Hashem Elokeichem," but rather "Anochi Hashem Elokecha" -- Hashem addressed himself to each individual, acknowledging that each person has their own way of relating to Him.

Building a matzeivah, turning Judaism into a one size fits all religion, is a direct contradiction to that message of "...Hashem Elokecha," which affirms the value of individualism.


  1. Still, שנא is harsh. I have a mechutan, who, to rationalize his inability to excel in community endeavors, constantly harps upon the importance of individualism in Avoda Hashem. I don't think it's that important. Step one, endeavor to pattern yourself on a great man, or to fit into a great community. Step two, maybe, find your own talents and proclivities. It is those who take step one seriously who are most successful. I just heard from a certain world renowned posek (not my FIL) that the shailos he gets from Chofetz Chaim communities are unique. Their honesty and ehrlichkeit is definitive. I have friends who have, in their old age, begun to look like Rav Rudderman. Aspiring to follow a great model is a good thing, and worshipping individuality is sometimes just lipstick on a

  2. But yes, I am familiar with Reb Yaakov's vort about the degalim being given only after the tzivui of the mishkan. Every shevet was unique, and that disparity would be dangerous if there weren't a hub to join them.
