Thursday, July 18, 2024

katan reciting aneinu on a fast day

I saw in the Divrei Siach parsha sheet (from the torah of R' Chaim Kanievsky) that even if a katan fasts on 17 Tamuz, he should not recite aneinu since a katan has no chiyuv taanis.  The counterargument I assume would be that the purpose of chinuch is to train the katan to do mitzvos as he would when he grows up.  Since when he grows up this katan would have to fast and would say aneinu, he should daven accordingly now to get into the right habit.  

This issue sounds like it hinges on the same point as a chakira I once posted from my son regarding a katan who comes late to shul.  Does the katan skip pesukei d'zimra to catch up, like anyone else should do, or should he daven the full davening?  If chinuch means we treat the katan as if he has a chiyuv just like a gadol, then just like a gadol should skip, the katan should skip ahead as well.  However, if chinuch means training the katan to do the mitzvah as he would when he reaches maturity, then the proper way to daven is to say everything and not skip, so maybe that's what he should do.  

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