Wednesday, October 18, 2023

issur of chatzi shiur on eating eitz ha'daas

I saw a diyun regarding whether there was an issur of chatzi shiur on the eitz ha'daas.  Rashi comments on  וַתִּתֵּן גַּם לְאִישָׁהּ עִמָּהּ וַיֹּאכַל (3:6) that גם – לרבות בהמה וחיה. Chavah fed the fruit to all the animals as well as Adam.  How big was this fruit?  If she broke off pieces to distribute, odds are there was less than the shiur left for Adam to eat.  Does the concept of shiur for issurim even apply when speaking about issurei ben Noach, or are they chayav for any amount?   

I don't think you need any fancy lomdus to answer this question.  When Hashem told Adam not to eat from eitz ha'daas the pasuk says  וּמֵעֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע לֹא תֹאכַל מִמֶּנּוּ (2:17)  The word  מִמֶּנּוּ in the pasuk seems extraneous.  Ibn Ezra comments: או טעמו: אפילו מעט ממנו  Black on white that the shiur here is any amount.


  1. "Chavah fed the fruit to all the animals as well as Adam. How big was this fruit? If she broke off pieces to distribute, odds are there was less than the shiur left for Adam to eat"

    Why did it have to be one fruit? Why not many? Especially if she fed the animals.

  2. Why wouldn't there be chatzi shiur on eating eitz ha'daas? Chatzi shiur is osser min HaTorah. That is evenif you don't go with Shitas HaRambam that by a Ben Noach there is no concept of shiurim/Chatzi shiur to begin with. The smallest amount of ever min hachai is osser
