Tuesday, February 27, 2018

anochi haster astir...

1. Chazal tell us that one cannot make a seudas Purim at night, as the pasuk tells us, "La'asos osam y'mei mishteh..." The Sefas Emes (5649) explains that a person cannot celebrate in spiritual darkness.  There are people who go through their whole lives in the spiritual equivalent of nightime -- there is no light of ruchniyus that shines in or that they let shine in.  "La'asos..." -- you have to banish that darkness with the light of Torah, banish the night and turn Purim into a day of simcha.  

2.  The hint to Esther in the Torah is the pasuk of "Anochi haster astir..."  Hester panim is not a chiddush of this pasuk alone and is sadly a feature of many eras of Jewish history, not just the story of the megillah.  The chiddush of Esther, explains the Ba'al ha'Techeiles, R' Gershon Henoch Leiner, is that we see that there is an "Anochi" behind it all.  In retrospect it was clear that from beginning to end, everything that happened the Purim story was yad Hashem.  Our challenge is to believe that "Anochi haster astir," to trust that Hashem is controlling every detail of what happens even when we don't see him.

3.  A nice Purim thought from my wife.

1 comment:

  1. "Anochi haster astir"

    how is it that Hashem can abandon us to the worldly powers that be (Devarim 31:17), and at the same time control "every detail"? we learn this paradox from the word 'bohu' (Bereishis 1:2), that even amid emptiness & chaos, comes (bo) He (Hu)

    {it is certainly fitting that on this Purim as on every Purim, we remember Joseph; Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi, Vice Chairman of investment in the grand Egyptian tradition, loyal to his cause to the tragic end...}
