Friday, October 11, 2019

Shirah -- how to look at the world

Al regel achas: the concept of the "shirah" of haazinu comes from the same root as "ashurenu v'lo karov" (in parshas balak) -- it refers to seeing.  Shirah is about how we see the world.  Do things just happen, or is it "haTzur tamim pa'alo?"

The Rambam writes that the mitzvah of "kisvu lachem es hashirah ha'zos" refers to writing shiras haazinu.  However, since there is din that you can't write a sefer of an individual parsha, so m'meila you have to write an entire sefer Torah.

To be able to see the world properly, to absorb the shirah-vision, one needs the context of kol hatorah.  The individual parshiyos of life, of history, may not make sense on their own unless they are put in broader context.

1 comment:

  1. or the Knower of "kol hatorah" Himself struggles to "make sense" of His human project. if the use of 'shirah', and of 'ha'r'ninu', 'amo' and 'avadav' in 32:43, mark G-d's first foray into embittered sarcasm*; if His only task at the end of the day is to put idolatrous thugs in their place; then it's all gone pretty well awry...

    *why do we need 32:45, 'Moshe finished speaking all these words to all Israel'? to learn that he was left for some moments simply hanging his head
