Thursday, November 21, 2019

Avraham the CEO?

1) Many meforshim see the pasuk “v’Avraham zakein… v’Hashem beirach es Avhraham ba’kol,” (24:1) which prefaces the parsha of Eliezer’s quest to find a bride for Yitzchak, as a justification of Avraham’s actions.   Why did Avraham Avraham send Eliezer and not take charge of things himself?  Why the need to administer an oath to Eliezer?  And why send him far away to find a bride for Yitzchak –- was there no local girl who wanted to marry Yitzchak? 

Avraham was blessed “ba’kol” – he had it all.  Surely a rich and powerful man, a CEO, cannot ignore managing his enterprise in order to personally make a long journey that can be delegated to others (Netziv).  And surely someone rich and powerful needs to take precautions lest his delegate be pressured, bribed, coerced –- hence the oath administered to Eliezer to not succumb to any impediments (Seforno).  And surely anyone would gladly marry into such a powerful family. Sending Elizer to look elsewhere was not for want of shidduch offers, but was Avraham’s deliberate choice (Rashbam).

All this would be true of any rich and powerful man.  But truthfully, it's hard to think of Avraham in those terms.  Sefas Emes writes that what motivated Avraham was not really protecting his wealth and power.  The focus of the pasuk is not WHAT Avraham had -– fame, riches, etc. -- but rather HOW Avraham got all that: “HASHEM beirach es Avraham ba'kol"  Avraham is not merely a powerful CEO -– Avraham is G-d’s CEO.  It's not his personal business that Avraham is out to protect, but rather G-d's business -- the mission of bringing kvod shamayim into the world.  Therefore, it was critical for Eliezer to find the right girl.

No one can really argue with a straight face that since "Hashem beirach" therefore they will only date a girl who wears size 2 or less.  That's not an argument of an Avraham Avinu.  If you really think "Hashem beirach" and gave you whatever talent, whatever mission you have, and you need a mate to match those she'ifos, then dress size is not on the list of what you are looking for.  "Hashem beirach" means it's not about me -- I'm just a kli for some higher purpose.  That's the hakdamah to Eliezer's mission and the hakdamah to what to look for in a shidduch. 
2) Simple pshat in (25:5) “vayitein Avraham es KOL asher lo l’Yitzchak” is that Avraham gave everything in his possession to Yitzchak.  However, the very next pasuk  (25:6) tells us that he gave gifts to the bnei ha’pilagshim as well.  So what does it mean when it says “KOL asher lo?”

Instead of emphasizing the first word, Sefas Emes puts the emphasis on the last: “kol asher LO.”  What really belongs to a person?  What does a person really want to give over -- what can a person really give over -- to their kids?  It’s not the bank account, or the house, or the new car.  Hashem told Avraham at the start his journey: “Lech LECHA…  el ha’aretz asher ar’eka.”  This mission is “LECHA” –- it belongs to you Avraham; you own it.  When it comes time to leave the world, that's what Avraham passes on to Yitzchak, and that mission is what has been continuously passed on through the generations until it has reached us.   


  1. for Eliezer, things have a voice* (kol); Yitzchak, like Avraham, will have a voice about things. in this vein, could ayin-peh-reish (as in 'dust') at 25:4 allude to the death of Eliezer? at which time Avraham gives things with their voices, gifts, b'kol-asher-lo (24:2**), to "the bnei ha'pilagshim", while giving his overarching [missionized/missionizing] voice (kol) to Yitzchak (25:5) {is Avraham troubled at 15:3 by a sense that his material wealth will be left without a masterful voice? left with a manager's voice yes, but not that of a CEO...}

    *as in the case of the risen camels: the malach Michael --who went before Eliezer (24:7; also, "Why did Avraham...not take charge of things himself?")-- made the gemalim rise when Rivka ascended from the spring; this*** told Eliezer that bas-B'su'el ben-Milcah was belle of the balle [did Rivka too notice the ten camels stand-to-attention at her passing?]

    **phrase preceded by the word ha'moshel, also meaning parable, a thing that speaks

    ***the water rising to her jug? but va'tishav, 24:45

  2. "2) ...he gave gifts to the bnei ha'pilagshim"

    the author of the sefer yetzirah gave these sons six seeds of secular wisdom, to be represented by the six outer branches of the menorah.

    how then send these sons >away< from Yitzchak, who is the central branch >toward< which the others add their light?

    a time to scatter, a time to gather: a reunion of sorts will come by way of Yisro priest of Midian*, when at Shemos 18:12 he takes from his saddlebags six tomes of secular wisdom developed-- in dispersion --across centuries. the 'olah' is from his own Midianites, and teaches tevunah**; the five 'zevachim' draw one close to the five other wisdoms. the leather-bound, gold-embossed six-volume set he hands to his son-in-law Moshe, who slips away to sample the irresistible, cutting-edge chochmah while Aharon and ha'ziknei Yisrael eat ceremoniously with the visiting guest-of-honor***. {l'Elokim, the next word of 18:12, implies of course the central branch of the menorah* *, Yitzchak's Torah wisdom...}

    *Midian, son #4 of the 6

    **Yisro, editor-in-chief, demonstrates at 18:11

    ***the honorable guest will soon see to Moshe finding down-time to honorably read, by suggesting a system of judicial delegation

    * *kli zahav soon to be made by Betzalel

    1. then Zimran* chose to sing this song:

      though here the scrub declares Him,
      as do lice eggs, and the newt,
      our father's words will travel
      reaching eastward, to the east:
      Ur to be called 'Besulah',
      v'ha'nahar Pras, 'chaver'...

      *son #1, 25:2

  3. -- "1) ...Avraham is G-d's CEO...out to protect...G-d's business"

    as G-d protects his chief executive, in the way of mutual reinforcement: "v'Hashem beirach es Avhraham[*] ba'kol"-- v'nivr'chu b'cha >kol< mishp'chos ha'adamah (12:3): Avraham is blessed for interpersonal [familial] 'tzedakah' (18:19), and so he is "zakein" as per Mishlei 16:31; v'nivr'chu-bo >kol< goyei ha'aretz (18:18): blessed for [intranational/international] 'mishpat' (18:19), thus baw ba'yamim (24:1) as per ba'yamim of Devarim 17:9, and blessed for/with mishpat la'goyim yotzi (Yeshayahu 42:1)

    *for millenia it has been held that Hashem added but a single 'hei'to Avram's name; we learn here just how mistaken longstanding popular opinion can be!

    -- if "2)" were posed as a riddle, the answer might be 'avadim!', for slaves are both property to be passed on* (Vayikra 25:46) >and< individuals with the "mission" to maintain a certain portion of the mitzvahs...

    *in this case, from Avraham to Yitzchak
