Tuesday, September 01, 2020

3 for 2 and Tamar vs Karen

From my post 3/26/2020:
What confronts us is not a choice of whether to lock down our cities in order to save some unknown % of people, but rather a choice of whether to lock down our cities to save some unknown % of people AT THE EXPENSE of the cost IN LIVES (literally) of some other unknown % of people. 
From recent headlines:

Coronavirus: For every three COVID-19 deaths, lockdown may have caused another two

OK, it is a UK study.  But do you really think the effect of the lockdown in the US was all that different?  

On a different Covid note (this observation from my wife): Chazal tell us that it is better to sacrifice one's life rather than embarrass someone else in public.  Tamar refused to name Yehudah as the one who had impregnated her, and instead was willing to risk being put to death and sacrifice her future and the future of her children, the lineage of malchus Yehudah, if Yehudah would not speak up.

Compare that with the behavior of Karens, who would rather yell at people in the street and shame them for not wearing a mask (even when not technically required by law) than risk some infinitesimally small chance of their getting sick from a passerby. 

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