Thursday, December 31, 2020

חטא כדי שיזכה חבירך

M"B paskens (131:26) that a chassan should daven at home during his sheva brachos week because if he comes to shul he will cause the tzibur to miss saying tachanun (if you're like me, you're thinking, "So what's the downside?")  

Question:  וכי אומרים לו לאדם חטא כדי שיזכה חבירך?!  (Shabbos 4a)  

Why should the chassan be forced to miss tefilah b'tzibur on their behalf?

Answer: וכי אומרים לו לאדם חטא כדי שיזכה חבירך!?  

Why should the tzibur be forced to give up tachanun on his behalf?  (see Shu"t Kinyan Torah 2:44)


  1. "sheva brachos"

    if it be that when the kallah is present in the women's section of the synagogue, then tachanun is still recited, while by the chasson's mere presence in the synagogue there is a machlokes [whether to recite], that "lends support to his [R' Yisraeli's] position" ("sheva brachos", DC, Dec. 30) that "there is no mitzvah to be misameiach the kallah"...

  2. If the Chassan walked out of the room immediately following shmona esrei, would that help? (Dont we do the same thing with Kohanim sometimes?)

  3. I heard R Schachter posit that the rule only applied if the tzibbur would be unhappy to skip tachanun
