Thursday, December 17, 2020

ha'neiros l'olam ya'iru

1) The Midrash Rabbah (parsha 22) writes that the episode of Kayin and Hevel -- the first time offerings were offered on a mizbeiach -- took place 50 days after creation.  50 days after 25 Elul = 25 Kislev = chanukas ha'mizbeiach. 

2) Ramban writes at the beginning of B'Ha'aloscha:

וראיתי עוד בילמדנו (תנחומא בהעלותך ה׳), וכן בבמדבר רבה (במדבר רבה ט״ו:ו׳): אמר לו הקב״ה למשה: לך אמור לאהרן: אל תתירא, לגדולה מזאת אתה מוכן, הקרבנות כל זמן שבית המקדש קיים הן נוהגין, אבל הנרות לעולם אל מול פני המנורה יאירו.

Sefas Emes writes that the word "olam" = "he'elem," that which is concealed.  The light of the menorah "l'olam ya'iru,"  can pierce the darkness of galus that covers and conceals ruchniyus.

1 comment:

  1. -- "1) ...50 days after 25 Elul = 25 Kislev"

    "a cheshbon for the yachid" (from the first part of the next post), evidently, for the writer of that midrash; "the cheshbon of...the klal" (ibid.) amounts to more than 50 days between those given dates

    -- "2)" chanukah gets oil lamps out of the kodesh for the Yisraelim* to light (Rambam, hilchos beis ha'mikdash, 9:7); the end of "galus" will see lamps return to the heichal...

    *though kohanim too must kindle piercing light
