Wednesday, December 22, 2021

mishna yomit

Public service announcement: the Mishna Yomit is going to be starting a new cycle starting this Shabbos, so if you have never learned through sha"s mishnayos or want to review, it's a perfect time to get onboard.

The Rabbi where I daven makes a yearly Simchas Torah pitch to try to get people to take on learning sha"s mishnayos in a year, and some people have done it more than once.  If you can do that, kol ha'kavod.  However, unless you are davening through the mishnayos, I don't see how you can do it without devoting at least 30 minutes a day to the task.  If you fall behind, you then need an hour the next day to catch up.  Mishna Yomit will take you 5 to 10 minutes a day.  You can download the Kehati Mishnayos app and have access to Kehati and Bartenura wherever you go, and it's a small enough amount of material each day so that you can do it well without rushing through.  The only downside is it takes close to 6 years to finish. 


  1. Thank you for using the correct grammatical form -- Mishna Yomit (or Yomis).
    I saw some advertisements for the program calling it Mishna Yomi. That is simply incorrect Hebrew.
    One would think that with the name of a very popular halacha sefer Mishna Berurah, they would know that Mishna is feminine.

    1. Funny you should notice that because I originally also wrote Mishna Yomi because that's what everyone says and it echoed in my brain, but then I corrected myself before putting up the post. I guess everyone makes the mistake because they carry over the "yomi" part from "daf yomi."

  2. Some tips
    1) Kehati has a pocket size edition that's really easy to travel with. All the volumes are tiny enough to fit in a good size pocket.
    2) You want a physical copy because otherwise you'll fall behind on two day Yom Tovs
    3) If you do one for every amidah you daven, it takes less than 6 years.
