Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Rav Tzvi Yehudah

There are many articles and talks that have been posted regarding the 40th yahrzeit of R' Tzvi Yehudah Kook, and I won't even try to pick and choose and recommend what to listen to and read, but one item that stood out for me was the following, quoted by R' Eliezer Melamed:

“There are some Jews who ‘seize’ the verse from Tehilin (Psalms): ‘Hashem, You know I hate those who hate You,’ and there are educational approaches that emphasize this above all, as being a foundation in education. They place the value of sinat ha’briot (hatred of humanity) as a foundation, arguing this is how they protect themselves. Interesting, we have never heard of a tzaddik (righteous person) and a gadol be’Yisrael (eminent rabbi) designated as the “sonei Yisrael” (Hater of Israel). On the other hand, we have heard of special individuals who have been nicknamed: “The Tzaddik, Gaon, and Kadosh, Ohev Yisrael (Lover of Israel)” (From ‘HaTorah HaGoelet’, Vol.4, pg. 160).

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