Friday, October 21, 2022

R' Akiva Eiger's chiddush in a case where one forgot mashiv ha'ruach in Fri night davening

The S.A. paskens (OC 268) that if you accidentally daven a weekday shmoneh esrei on Friday night, you can listen to the chazan say the bracha mei'ein sheva and have in mind to be yotzei because it is like a chazaras hashat"z. 

אם התפלל של חול ולא הזכיר של שבת או שלא התפלל כלל ושמע משליח ציבור ברכה מעין שבע מראש ועד סוף יצא: 

R' Akiva Eiger (quoted in Biur Halacha from RAKE in OC 114) extends this chiddush to someone who forgot to say mashiv ha'ruach in their Friday night shmoneh esrei and is therefore not yotzei.  Here too, RAKE writes that one can just listen to מעין שבע and there is no need to repeat the entire tefilah.  Even though there is no mention of mashiv ha'ruach in the מעין שבע, so you don't gain anything, it doesn't matter, because Chazal were metakein that מעין שבע counts as a tefilah without it.

R' Akiva Eiger in OC 114 (not quoted in BH in 268) goes even a step further and suggests that if you forgot mashiv ha'ruach on Friday night maybe you are yotzei even without hearing מעין שבע.  How can it be, says RAK"E, that the מעין שבע, which is a substitute for the real tefilah, does not need mashiv ha'ruach, but the real tefilah counts for nothing without it?!  The tafeil can't be better than the ikar! He leaves off with a tzarich iyun on whether this argument is correct.  Most Achronim do not seem to accept the point (see Chazon Ovadya Shabbos vol 1, p 386 who quotes a list of mareh mekomos).

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