Monday, January 11, 2021

dissent will not be tolerated

Dennis Prager is often on the mark, but never more so than in his column entitled "Now I Better Understand the 'Good German.'"  Prager writes:

The ease with which tens of millions of Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented police state-type restrictions on their freedoms, including even the freedom to make a living, has been, to understate the case, sobering.

The same holds true for the acceptance by most Americans of the rampant censorship on Twitter and all other major social media platforms. Even physicians and other scientists are deprived of freedom of speech if, for example, they offer scientific support for hydroxychloroquine along with zinc to treat COVID-19 in the early stages. Board-certified physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has saved hundreds of COVID-19 patients from suffering and/or death, has been banned from Twitter for publicizing his lifesaving hydroxychloroquine and zinc protocol.

Half of America, the non-left half, is afraid to speak their minds at virtually every university, movie studio and large corporation — indeed, at virtually every place of work. Professors who say anything that offends the left fear being ostracized if they have tenure and being fired if they do not. People are socially ostracized, publicly shamed and/or fired for differing with Black Lives Matter, as America-hating and white-hating a group as has ever existed. And few Americans speak up. On the contrary, when BLM protestors demand that diners outside of restaurants raise their fists to show their support of BLM, nearly every diner does.

I would add that even if you wanted to speak out, your voice will be quashed.  Witness what happened to Parler this weekend.  If you believe in free speech, you should be appalled.  But if you've been paying attention to the way conservatives, friends of Israel, religious leaders, and others who do not march in lockstep to the groupthink of the democrat-progressive machine have been treated on college campuses for years, you would have expected no less.  Those brainwashed by our education system to cry foul at every "microaggression" and demand that opinions contrary to their own be silenced and who find administrators all too happy to comply eventually enter the workforce, enter civil society, and bring those same attitudes with them.

The incessant left-wing drumbeat of The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and almost every other major newspaper, plus The Atlantic, The New Yorker, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, all of Hollywood and almost every school from kindergarten through graduate school, has brainwashed at least half of America every bit as effectively as the German, Soviet and Chinese communist press did (and in the latter case, still does).

The CEO of the company I work for sent out an email this morning using words like "insurrectionists" and "sedition" and calling on us to be agents for "social change."  This is the workplace of modern times, where the left wing point of view is inescapable.  I just want to do my job and collect my paycheck, not transform society, certainly not in the way you want it transformed.  Gone are the days when a CEO can just run a business, when a company can just sell a product or provide a service.  Now everything is about politics, and you will be made to take a stand -- the right stand -- or be trampled by the mob.

What is tragic is how many of our own brethren see nothing wrong with what is transpiring, and actually root for the thugs that have gained control over our society.  Need I remind people of those from our community who marched in support of BLM this past summer, ignorant of, or perhaps even aware, but not taking seriously, the vicious anti-Israel platform of that movement.  

Sad times indeed that we live in.  

Someone sent me a message over the weekend that it's time for a group of us to move out of NY and establish a community someplace like Florida, a "red" state that allows for more freedom.  

If that's what you think the solution is, than you are not getting the message.  What NY or Portland or Seattle is today, Florida will become tomorrow.  

There is no place Hashem wants us to go other than home.  It's just a question of whether we want to make those plans on our own or wait until events force us to do so.  Does Israel have its problems?   Sure it does.  But better to have to deal with the growing pains of aschalta d'geulah than the death spiral of the diaspora world.  

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