Friday, February 16, 2024

groundwork for geulah

Daas Zekeinim comments on the dimension of the mizbeiach:

ארכו כנגד הלוחות חמש דברות על לוח זה וחמש על לוח זה ושלש אמות קומתו כנגד שלשה גואלים שעמדו להן לישראל משה ואהרן ומרים.

In the weekly parsha sheet "Chashukei Chemed" based on the shiurim of R' Yitzchak Zilberstein, they ask where it is that we find that Miriam is a "go'el"[es].  Moshe took us out of Mitzrayim; Aharon spoke to Pharoah and had a hand in the makkos.  What did Miriam do?

R' Chaim Elazari beat R' Zilberstein to asking this kashe.  In his sefer Darkei Chaim he reminds us that when Amram separated from his wife in response to Pharoah's decree to drown the babies, it was Miriam who encouraged her father to change course and not give up hope.  Rashi in parshas Beshalach (15:20) tells us that Miriam had a prophecy before Moshe was born that her mother would give birth to the go'el.  Without Miriam, Moshe's message might have fallen on dead ears (as it was, Bn"Y were not very receptive to Moshe's message when in response, Pharoah tightened the reins.)  She laid the groundwork of belief in redemption that enabled her brothers to be successful.  She therefore gets equal credit for bringing geulah.

We ask Hashem in every tefilah ומביא גואל לבני בּניהם.  Yes, we want mashiach, we want full geulah.  But that is the final step in the process.  Before we are zocheh to the go'el who is a poor guy riding a donkey who will get lions and lambs to live in peace, we need the go'el who will get us to believe it can and will happen, who will lay the groundwork of hope, expectations, and belief.  

That go'el, I think, perhaps can be any one of us, or all of us together.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In Taanis 9a they are called שלשה פרנסים טובים עמדו לישראל and שלשת הרועים in
    Also in Micha 6:4 it does say (assuming the second half of the passuk continues the thought in the first half) that they were the instruments of the Geula
    כי העלתיך מארץ מצרים ומבית עבדים פדיתיך ואשלח לפניך את־משה אהרן ומרים
    but that's not גואלים, I guess. If you get the sheet online, please share the link. The ones I found end two years ago. Thanks.
