Wednesday, July 10, 2024

voting Democrat = suicide (3)

Biden's debate performance speaks for itself, so let's turn to other things. 

1) Kamala Harris proved that she can really cut through the haze and focus laser-like on what's most important.  In an interview in The Nation she had this to say:  

“Similarly, I was asking early on, what are women in Gaza doing about sanitary hygiene. Do they have pads? And these are the issues that made people feel uncomfortable, especially sanitary pads.”

As for the flag burning rioters shouting "Death of America, Death to Israel," she's got that covered as well, commenting that, “They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza."   

Not surprising from the woman who helped raise bail for BLM rioters.

2) That same "human emotion" reared its head at an elementary school graduation in NYC, where Jewish parents were attacked.  Hope they win a bundle in their $100 million lawsuit against the city.

3) The D's are trying to formulate their party platform in advance of the convention.  Elianne Farhat, executive director of TakeAction Minnesota, one of three speakers who addressed their committee, advocated for an embargo on arms sales to Israel, and spoke about what happens when our country, "...Misuses that power to spread pain, suffering and genocide.”  The other two speakers disagreed with her, so I guess we should be happy with rov.  

4) 19 people killed and 100 shot this past weekend in Chicago. Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson, like Kamala Harris, cut right to the heart of the matter and saw what others failed to see, namely, that it is former President Richard Nixon who is responsible for the city's troubles. 

1 comment:

  1. I really think there are aliens out there watching us and splitting their sides with laughter. The self destructive arrogant unwillingness to take responsibility, the self righteous joy these people take in watching the truly righteous suffer and die, it's really, really, funny. There's a Jewish actor, Tim Blake Nelson, who was born to play these idiots.
