Sunday, September 08, 2024

l'vaker b'heichalo

לַחֲז֥וֹת בְּנֹעַם⁠ ה׳ וּלְבַקֵּ֥ר בְּהֵֽיכָלֽוֹ׃

Rav Tamir Granot, R"Y of Orot Shaul, explains that the term לְבַקֵּ֥ר here has a similar meaning to the way it is used in the context of bikur cholim. The mitzvah of bikur cholim is not just to stop in and say hello to the choleh. Bikur cholim means to investigate what the choleh needs or wants and to try to help.

We want to experience נֹעַם⁠ ה׳, the pleasure and enjoyment of closeness to Hashem. But we also have to remember that we have a responsibility וּלְבַקֵּ֥ר בְּהֵֽיכָלֽוֹ׃. We have to ask ourselves what kavyachol the Shechina needs from us; what can we do to help Hashem make His presence felt in the world to a greater degree?


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