Sunday, March 31, 2024

The President's War Against the Jews (and against morality)

I usually don't post on weekends, but I am stuck in front of the computer taking care of some work related things today. Tablet Magazine has a wonderful article entitled The President's War Against the Jews well worth your attention. The punchline:
Biden owns this war imposed on Israel. The president inherited a Middle East marked by a bankrupt Iran and amicable relations between Israel and Arab countries with more in the works, thanks to President Trump’s historic Abraham Accords. Biden reversed course, enriched Tehran, funded terrorists and destabilized the Middle East—setting the stage for Oct. 7.

Biden shows no sign of reversing even one of his deadly failures. Instead of taking responsibility for his policy mistakes, he blames Israel for not going further and providing Iran with a launching pad on its border by establishing a Palestinian state. Perversely, the attacks of Oct. 7 have only led Biden to kick his effort to establish a Palestinian state into high gear.
Perfectly put.  I would only add that while the buck stops with Biden, he would not be in a position to do the harm he has done if not for those who voted for him, including, sadly, people in our own community.  One can only hope that they will not make the same terrible mistake a second time this November.

Meanwhile, at my workplace today the internal bulletin board reminds me that we are celebrating Transgender Visibility Day, as well as National Indigenous Languages Day.  No mention of any other meaning for the day.  Now, you may think who cares?  What does it have to do with us?  But it does have to do with us.  It does make a difference whether the community around us celebrates religion, even the wrong one, or celebrates the perversion of gender.  One of these two is supported by the President and Democrat party; one is not.  

1 comment:

  1. See this recent article in National Review. An excellent takedown of Anthony Blinken's shameful recent statements.
